Friday, 20 June 2014

The Nation That Kill its People

A study based on 10 years of research shows that procrastination among americans is one of the rise, making people poorer, fatter and unhappier.
Nothing kills people more than procrastination.

       Procrastination is a thief, continually robs you of those wonderfully rewarding words, “Job well done!”
       Procrastination  steals confidence, integrity, and peace.
       “Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their food allowance at the proper time? It will be good for that servant whom the master finds doing so when he returns.” (Luke 12:42–43)
Victims of Procrastination
       Luke 9:59-62
       Luk 9:59  And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father.
       Luk 9:60  Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.
       Luk 9:61  And another also said, Lord, I will follow thee; but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home at my house.
       Luk 9:62  And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.
Other Victims of Procrastination
       Matthew 25:2-13 – The Five Foolish Virgin
       Ex.8:1-15 – Pharaoh and Frogs
What is Procrastination?
       To procrastinate means to postpone or put off needlessly when an action is needed
       “A sluggard [who has a lifestyle of procrastinating] does not plow in season; so at harvest time he looks but finds nothing.” (Proverbs 20:4)
       Procrastination is the habit of delaying what needs to be done, which results in both inner and outer repercussions
       Inner repercussions range from feeling somewhat discouraged and dejected to experiencing severe distress and despair
        Outer repercussions range from missed deadlines and missed appointments to lost employment and lost relationships

Procrastination is doing things that need to be done or leaving things undone for as long as possible.
Procrastination is the little voice in the back of your mind saying... "I'll do it later...I'm too comfortable doing nothing important...get to it when it is absolutely too late!"

"Everything you want in life is outside of your comfort zone.."

Be very careful on this choice!



Cost of Procrastination
       "Procrastination takes a problem and makes it a crisis. - A lazy person has trouble all through life. Proverbs 15:19 (LB)
       The longer you wait to start, the harder it becomes to begin.
       Procrastination wastes opportunities -- "If you won't plow in the cold, you won' eat at harvest." (Proverbs 20:4 LB)
       When opportunity knocks, open the door!  Take the advantage while you've got it.  If you don't, you'll miss it.
       Procrastination hurts people -- Laziness prevents us from being loving. 
        Love requires commitment, energy, and work. 
       Procrastination causes problems with our network too
       Procrastination causes an unproductive lifestyle
Why Do People Procrastinate?
  1. Indecision. "A double minded man is unstable in all he does."  (James 1:8 LB) 
  2. Perfectionism. "If you wait for perfect conditions, you'll never get anything done!" (Ecclesiastes 11:4 LB)
  3.  Fear. "The fear of man is a trap."  (Proverbs 29:25 LB)
  4. Anger. "A lazy person is as bad as someone who is destructive." (Proverbs 18:9 GNT) Procrastination is a way to get back at people we don't like. 
  5. Laziness. "Lazy people want much but get little, while the diligent are prospering." (Proverbs 13:4 LB
Two Types of Procrastinators
1.       Unintentional Procrastinators
Procrastinators who don’t want or intend to procrastinate do not understand themselves at all
a.       Perfectionist Patty
b.      Poor Self-worth Paul
c.       Fear-based Freddie
d.      Lack-of-goals Larry
e.      Overwhelmed Olivia
2.       Intentional Procrastinators
Intentional procrastinators make a deliberate choice to delay doing their duties

The Mind of a Procrastinator
When you procrastinate you're saying one of two things to yourself, "It's easier to avoid this than to face it" and that's wrong.  The other one is "It will be easier to handle this tomorrow (or later)" and that's wrong too. 

Ways to Assassinate Procrastination
       Work at Your Best Time - Ecc 9:10
       Break It Down
       Delegate when necessary
       Reward Yourself
       Make Yourself Accountable
       Just Do It
       Refuse to "major on the minors" but keep the "main thing" the "main thing" (Proverbs 28:19 NASB).
       At the very least, limit all distractions.
       Boundaries – Sticking to the List (1 Corinthians 6:12)
       Make your life a ministry – (Colossians 3:23-24)
       Pray for wisdom and help in using the time God has given me. (Ecclesiastes 8:6)
       Keep a record at all times, tracking everything I need to do in a planner and checking off each task according to the exact day and time I do it. (Ecc 3:17)

The best way to get something done is to begin


Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.” ~ M. Scott Peck
Someday is not a day of the week.”



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