Monday 26 August 2013


  Text: Mat. 25:14 -30
 Tanent can be described as a marked innate ability for accomplishment.
       Natural endowment or ability of a superior quality
      Natural abilities which come easily to you and produce extraordinary results.

Game Plan
·        What is Talent?
·        Facts About Talents
·        Discovering Your Talent
·        Understanding Your Talent
·        Packaging Your Talent
·        Defining Your Talent   


ü Each of your gifts and talents represent an ability to do, sense, be aware or know something
ü Often our family and friends know our gifts and talents better than we do.

         –Because they are such a natural part of us, many times we barely notice them
         –Our gifts and talents are often so easy for us to do, that we do not see them as unusual and valuable              
–However, they stand out, especially to people who know what to look for or   who cannot do them

   Each Person Is Born With A Unique Set Of Talents
             –We are all born with talent
  Talents can be Inherited
  Talents Are Possessed by the Saved and Unsaved
        –It is not religious
  Talents come raw
       –It must be refined
  Talents Can Be Used Selfishly
    –It was given to meet the needs of others.
      Your Talent is your strength
·                       –Functioning outside your area of talent is a struggle and a misnomer
·                      Your Talent is your bargaining power with life
·                       –Prov. 18:16
·                       Talents are more like muscles that mustbe developed
·                       Talent can not be created, it can only be discovered.
·                        Talent, Passion, Purpose are the triplet of fulfillment

·                        Our talents mostly go unrecognized, untapped and undeveloped
                    Talents make us unique and special on this planet.
                          You are the only person who has your set of gifts and talents and potential.
         The more you use your talent, the more of the talent flows to you.


       Growing Up Analysis  

         Self Analysis

    Comparison Quadrant

    Observation Sheet


   ·     Describe your gift or talent in more detail.

–Often our first description of a gift or talent is very general.
–So take a few minutes and see if you can be more specific and write down exactly what you excel at.
–Refine and fine tune what you wrote


·        Start trimming the list
·        Next, write down how you use each gift or talent
·        Now estimate how rare each of your skills is
·        Now identify your strongest gifts and talents


·        Take a look at each gift or talent and write down what you are doing when you use it.
·        You can use the list below arranged by life path.

Pioneer, Explorer, Discoverer, Inventor & Visionary -exploring, envisioning, discovering, imagining
Nurturer, Caregiver, Counselor, Advisor & Developer -counseling, supporting, developing, helping, nurturing
Artist, Writer, Performer, Actor, Musician & Expressive -expressing, writing, illustrating, acting, speaking
Planner, Designer, Builder, Organizer & Manager -organizing, managing, constructing
Adventurer, Warrior, Cowboy & Protector -adventuring, hunting, protecting, guarding
Teacher, Healer, Knowledge Worker -illuminating, explaining, informing, healing, easing, balancing, thriving
Researcher, Scientist, Journalist, Philosopher -researcher -investigating, analyzing, documenting
Executive, Owner, Founder, Director, Administrator -directing, administering, founding
Guide, Mentor, Sage, Humanitarian, World Leader, Philanthropist -assisting, enlightening, revealing, uplifting, mentoring

Perseverance sustains your talent
You Need 13 Traits to Move Your Talent to the Level of Extra-Ordinary
The 13 Traits

1.Belief lifts your talent
2.Passion energizes your talent
3.Initiative activates your talent
4.Focus directs your talent
5.Preparation positions your talent
6.Practice sharpens your talent
7. Perseverance sustains your talent
8.Courage tests your talent
9.Teachabilityexpands your talent
10.Character protects your talent
11.Relationships influence your talent
12.Responsibility strengthens your talent
13.Teamwork multiples your talent

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