About CYC

Definition of Cornerstone

Somebody fundamentally important
•A stone joining two walls where they meet at a corner
•The first stone laid at a corner where two walls begin and form the first part of a new building

Understanding Cornerstone

•The principal stone placed at the corner of the edifice.
•The "corner-stone" joins two walls
•The most carefully constructed of any in the edifice.
•It is prepared to contain whatever it may be thought necessary to deposit in the foundation of the building to be transmitted to future times as preserving the names of the builders, or expressing the design of the edifice.

Who is the Cornerstone?

•Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone –Eph 2:20
•The youth are the Cornerstone
–Of the Church
–Of the Nation
–Of the Family

The Vision of CYC

•To raise IMPACTFUL LEADERS that are people of :
–POWER: ability to cause a change
–INTELLIGENCE: ability to utilize wisdom, knowledge & understanding
–PRAISE: a presence in heaven
–STRATEGY: right plan & action & decision
–PRAYER: a spiritual voice

•We are small enough to recognize your individuality and we are big enough to accommodate you. You are welcome on board.

•These are our units:
–Cornerstone Community Choir
–Matured Singles
–Praying Kneels

CYC Final Benediction
•I am youthful but not Useless
•I am youthful and Useful
•I am useful to my GOD
•I am useful to my Nation & Society
•I am useful to my Family
•I am useful to my church
•I am useful to myself
•I am an IMPACTFUL LEADER in my world

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