Wednesday 27 May 2015

Professionalism- By Tolu Musah

“Professionalism is the conduct, aims or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or

professional person” -Merriam Webster

A profession: “is a calling requiring specialized knowledge & often long intensive academic preparation”

Professionals are the kind of people others respect and value.

      Attributes Of A Professional

 Specialized Knowledge


 Honesty and Integrity




       Attributes Of A Professional

 Specialized Knowledge

 Be passionate: be interested in what you are doing

 Make a personal commitment to develop and improve skills. Build expertise

 Acquire degrees and certifications

 Stay up to date with the industry

 Savor the opportunity to learn and grow on daily basis

     ▪Never be afraid to ask questions: use the information to improve your career.

 Be a resource to your colleagues and organization

    ▪Stay away from office gossip and drama.

       Attributes Of A Professional


 Get the Job done: focus on the job and remain productive.

 Be reliable and keep promises

 Identify and satisfy client’s needs

 Do not make excuses; Focus on finding solutions

 Be available to work weekend or vacations or overtime

 Communicate effectively

 Attributes Of A Professional

  Honesty And Integrity

  Be honest with everyone

  Do not compromise your values

  Do right even if it means taking a harder road

  Be seen as reliable and trustworthy

  Be humble & willing to learn from others

  Do what you say and what you can do

  Respect and acknowledge the talents of your peers

  Share your knowledge

        Attributes Of A Professional


 Accountable for your thoughts, words and actions especially once mistakes have been made

 Vital element in professionalism

 Always be prepared- advance planning, timeliness and attention.

 Improve time management and planning skills.

     ▪Carry notepad with you to write down important tasks/information

      Attributes Of A Professional

Self Regulation

Calm or erratic under pressure?

Be calm, have a business like demeanour, help the situation don’t make it worse.

Exhibit a high degree of emotional intelligence (EI)

Show respect to people, regardless of their role or situation.

Be kind and polite

        ▪“ People do not forget how you make them feel”

             Attributes Of A Professional


 What does your appearance say about you?

      ▪“Dress the way you want to be addressed”

 Every job has a dress code, follow the dress code.

 Be well groomed: do not look unkempt Pay attention to personal hygiene

 First Impressions are important

      ▪“There is no second chance to make a first impression”

 To succeed in the workplace:

 Be Passionate

 Be Eager

 Be a Sponge; be a reader

 Invest in yourself: get better on nights and weekends: read and get training

 Be Humble,

 Be the solution: use your initiative: See the problem and fix it

 Be Flexible and adaptable

 Be Helpful

 Be Punctual: show up on time and even before time

 Discover your unique role and what you can contribute

 Work hard and stand out: do more than is expected of you

 Be a team player.

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