Sunday, 26 February 2012

PLANNING : Visioning and Goal Setting

What is a Plan?
       A plan is a document, framed in accordance with a predefined scheme or method, describing  how, when and by whom a specific target or set of targets is to be achieved.
       Planning is bringing the future into the present so you can do something about it now. Lk.14:28
Biblical Examples of Planning
       Restoration of the Earth :Gem.1:1-2
       Creation of Earth
       Noah’s Ark : Gen
       Israel in Egypt
      God told Abraham
      He sent Joseph
      He gave a King that does not know Joseph
      He sent Moses
       The birth of Jesus
       The building of the tabernacle, Solomon's temple

Benefits of Planning
Effective planning identifies:
       Whether the targets are achievable
       The resources needed to achieve the targets within a timeframe
       The problems and risks associated with trying to achieve the targets and stay within the constraints.
       Avoiding muddle and ad hoc decisions
       Helps you to think ahead
       Providing a yardstick against which progress can be measured
       Gaining commitment from people that need to contribute to your life

Elements of a Plan

What is a Vision?

Quotes to Remember
       The greatest gift ever given to mankind is not the gift of sight, but the gift of vision,
       Nothing noble or noteworthy on earth was ever done without vision
       The poorest person in the world is a person without a vision

What is a Vision?
       A VISION is a CLEAR CHALLENGING mental portrait of a PREFERABLE future as you believe IT CAN BE and MUST BE
       It is a glimpse or picture of the future
       It is knowing who you are, where you are going, and what will guide your journey
       It is an INFORMED bridge from the PRESENT to the FUTURE

Sources of Vision
       The Higher Voice
      God Almighty
       The Inner Voice
      What stirs you up from within?
      What gives you energy?
       The Unhappy Voice
      What makes you cry?
       The Successful Voice
      Who are your Mentors/Heroes
      Who makes you daydream?
How To Make Your Vision Understandable Hab. 2:1-2
       It must be WRITTEN and Made Plain
       It must be READ
       You must RUN with it 

Goal Setting

There is no game without a goal 
What is a GOOOOOAL?
       A Goal is a powerful process for planning about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn this vision of the future into reality.
       A GOAL is a deliberate articulation of objective

Benefits of Personal Goal Setting                 
       Provides a sense of security and purpose.
       Leads to focused  acquisition of knowledge.
       Helps maximum use of time and resources.
       Generates high enthusiasm for what you want.
       Moves you steadily towards achieving the results you really want and ultimate success.
       Boosts self esteem, confidence and belief in your ability to make things happen.

Why People don’t Set Goals?
       Goals Aren’t Important
       They Don’t Know How
       The Fear of Failure
       The Fear of Rejection
       They believe that goal setting is unspiritual
       They think it limits God

Fact about Goal Setting
       Long-Term: 5 - 10 years
       Mid-Term:  3 – 5 years
       Short-Term: days – 2 years
       Immediate : To Do list

       Professional Goals
       Family Goals
       Career Goals
       Financial Goals
       Personal Development Goals
       Spiritual Goals
       Institutional Goals
       Personal Goals
       Health Goals
       Asset Goals

Attributes of Effective Goals
S= Specific
       State the outcome of the goal in positive, specific terms
       When creating a goal, you want to answer the following:
      What – What do you want to accomplish?
      Why – What are the benefits or reasons for accomplishing the goal?
      Who – Who is involved?
      Where – Where is this going to happen?
      When – Make a time frame for the goal.
      How – How are you going to reach the goal?

M= Measurable
Targets should be Measurable
That which you measure will be treasured because  it can be seen and felt
The goals should be measurable so you can track your progress on achieving the goal
What you don’t measure, you can’t manage

A= Achievable/Attainable
       You want to stretch yourself but the goals must be achievable
       When goals are too far out of reach,       you’re unlikely to commit to doing it
       It must prove positive to this question -Is the goal reasonable?
R= Realistic
       Is your goal realistic, based on where you are today and the time that you have allocated to get to where you want to go?
       Unrealistic goals will lead to discouragement
       This means “doable”, not easy
       Determine your exact situation today and be both honest and realistic about what you want to accomplish in the future.

T=Time Based
       Goals must have a time frame for which they will be attained
       A goal or a decision without a deadline is merely a discussion.
       It has no energy behind it.
      It is like a bullet with no powder in the cartridge.

E: Exciting/Ethical
       E: Exciting/ Engaging
      Are these goals that you are passionate and excited about?
      Goals should have a Wow factor
      It must create emotional commitment
      Exciting goals will be met far sooner than boring, bland goals.
       E: Ethical
      Are the goals, and the process to do them, ethical choices?

R:  Recorded/ Reward/Reevaluate
R :Recorded
It must be recorded  in a place where you can look at it every day.
R: Reward/Reevaluate
Did you complete the goal?
If YES, reward yourself
 If there are incomplete goals, reevaluate these goals and set up SMARTER goals next time

Five Step Process of Setting Goals
       Step 1: Identify your goals by writing them down.
       Step 2: Set a deadline for the achievement.
       Step 3: List the obstacles in accomplishing the goal.
       Step 4: List the skills and knowledge required to reach your goal.  What do you need to know?
       Step 5:Develop a plan of action to reach your goal.

“The best use of life is to spend it for something that outlasts it”
                                                                 – William James

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1 Response to "PLANNING : Visioning and Goal Setting"

  1. This is the word, pure and unadulterated, able to ginger you and help stand on your feet.....


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