Sunday 19 January 2014

How Do I Stand

You can remain standing in christ by taking the following steps:

1. Take on the Whole Armour of God
        Eph. 6: 11 – 18
2. Kneel Often before your Maker
       Eph. 6: 18
3. Sit on Your Seat of Authority
       Eph. 2:1 – 6
4. Deliberately Practice Standing in Life
       Prov.24: 16, 2 Cor. 4: 8 - 9
5. Use The Power of Words for your Advantage
       Prov.18:21, Mat.12:37
6. Fight from a Point of Victory not Defeat
       1 Cor. 15:57; 1 Jn. 5:4
In Conclusion
Regardless of what life throws at you, remain standing. See you standing in your ROYAL POSITION in 2014.

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Hey Impactful Leader,
Please tell us what's on your mind.