Monday, 20 January 2014

The Act and Art of fasting

Game Plan

  1. The Act Of Fasting 
  2. The Benefits Of Fasting
  3.  The Art Of Fasting

                                The Act Of Fasting

Fasting Defined
      Fasting is primarily the act of willingly abstaining from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time to give your attention to Spiritual activities
      Fasting means to abstain from food voluntarily, for the mortification of the body or appetites, or as a token of grief, sorrow and affliction.
Kinds of Fast
1.   Normal Fast - No food, water only
2.   Absolute Fast - Absolutely no food or water
    (Caution: Should not be undertaken over 3 days and only if you have a clear directive from the Lord and are in good health).
3.   Partial Fast - Abstinence from certain kinds of foods (i.e.: No meat or sweets, soup only, fruit and vegetables only, etc. In Daniel 10:3, Daniel ate no pleasant bread).
4.   Corporate Fast - A church or group of people who feel God has called them to fast together for a certain period of time.
The Pain of Fasting
      The pain of fasting is two fold.
    The physical pain is due to the detoxification of our bodies.
    All the accumulated poison and garbage starts to come into our blood and we feel dreadful.
      The soulish pain is due to the conflict in the spiritual realm between your flesh and the Spirit of God.
    This goes beyond the natural desire to eat.
  The Benefits Of Fasting

Physical Benefits of Fasting
      Mental clarity is improved and brain fog is lifted.
      Rapid, safe weight loss is achieved without flabbiness
      The nervous system is balanced
      Energy level and sensory perception is increased
      Your digestive system is at rest
      Better health and energy
      The skin becomes silky, soft, and sensitive
      The digestive system is rejuvenated and becomes more effective
      Detoxification - as soon as the body realizes that it's fasting it will begin to eliminate those things that cause disease, such as fat cells, arterial cholesterol plaques, mucus, tumors, stored up worries and emotions.
      Fasting retrains your tasting sense back to more healthy food as acute sensitivity is restored
      Fasting can increase confidence in our ability to have control over our lives and our appetite
Spiritual Benefits of Fasting
      Fasting builds our faith
    Matthew 17:20 - 21
      Fasting makes it easier for us to hear the voice of the Lord
    Acts 13:2-3
      Fasting is a way we can minister unto the Lord
    Acts 13:2
      Fasting gives you God's focus for your life
                               The Art Of Fasting


Reactions from Fasting
      Weight Loss
      Bad Breath
The Art Of Fasting
      STEP 1: Set Your Objective
    Why are you fasting?
      STEP 2: Make Your Commitment
    How long you will fast - one meal, one day, a week, several weeks, forty days          
    What physical or social activities you will restrict
    How much time each day you will devote to prayer and God's Word
    Making these commitments ahead of time will help you sustain your fast when physical temptations and life's pressures tempt you to abandon it.
      STEP 3: Prepare Yourself Spiritually
    Know the direction of prayers
    Know the purpose of the fast
      STEP 4: Prepare Yourself Physically
    Prepare your body. Eat smaller meals before starting a fast.
    Avoid high-fat and sugary foods.
    Eat raw fruit and vegetables for two days before starting a fast
      Step 5: While You Fast
    Avoid drugs
    Limit your activity
    Rest as much as your schedule will permit
    The first two or three days are usually the hardest
      As you continue to fast, you will likely experience a sense of well-being both physically and spiritually.
      STEP 6: Put Yourself on a Schedule
    For maximum spiritual benefit, set aside ample time to be alone with the Lord
    Listen for His leading
    The more time you spend with Him, the more meaningful your fast will be
      STEP 7: End Your Fast Gradually
      STEP 8: Expect Results.
                                    GOD Bless You All.


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