Monday 3 February 2014

Verbal Strategies

       High achievers are not 10 to 20 times more intelligent than other people; their power comes from the METHODS, RESOURCES and FOCUS they use.
       Life is about winning and winning right.
       To win in life, you must
1.       Plan to win
2.       Prepare to win
3.       Expect to win
Strategies for the good life – Ps. 34: 12 – 18
  1. Verbal Strategy – vs 13: Ur life follows the direction of your tongue (Num. 13: 26 – 33)
       Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs. - Pearl Strachan
       Your tongue is the rudder of your life James 3: 2- 8
       Death and Life are in its hand Prov.18: 21
       Jesus said For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith(Mark11vs23).
       What this means is that your words will precede the events of your life
       You cannot separate what is going on in the life of a person from the words coming out of the lips of the person.
What’s the possibility of Living a Good Life?
       It is possible to live the good life daily Ps. 34:12, ! Pet. 3:10
       It is possible to enjoy life 1 Tim. 6:17
       It is possible to have the good things of life Ps. 34:10, 84:11
       It is possible to enjoy the works of your hands Ecc.3:13
       It is possible to be safe from evil and its fears Prov. 1:33
The Cycle of Words
        Watch your thoughts; they become words.
        Watch your words; they become actions.
        Watch your actions; they become habits.
        Watch your habits; they become character.
        Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
                  - Frank Outlaw
Verbal Facts
       Words are the most powerful thing in the universe.
       God never does anything without saying it first.
       Spoken words program your spirit (heart) either to success or defeat.
       Words are containers. They carry faith, or fear, and they produce after their kind.
       Mat. 15:28: Words defiles and it comes from the heart
       Mat.12:36: You will account for the words you speak
       Prov.16:24: Words affect your soul and bones
       Pleasant words are health and sweet
       Mat. 12: 37: Words justifies and condemns you
       Prov.13:3; 21:23: Words determine if you will be preserved or ruined
       Prov.29:20: Being too quick with words is more dangerous than foolishness
       Lk.6:45: Your Words reveals the state of your heart
       James 3:8: The Tongue is hard to tame
       Heb. 11:1 -3: Words framed the universe. Words frame your world.
       Prov. 6:2: Words can snare you
       Prov. 12:25: Words influence emotions
Types of Words
       Corrupt Words – Eph.4:29
       Pleasant words – Prov. 16:24
       Filthy Communications – Col. 3:8
Verbal Strategy: Practicing Confession
       Confession is a declaration of the truth that you have embraced within your life.
       It is making a continuous affirmation of what you believe.
       "It is a scientific application of the wisdom of God to the psychological makeup of man."  Charles Chapp
       Confessions don't work because you say it publicly in the ears of others. The words you speak is for yourself and not for others.
       Whatever is expressed is impressed. Whatever you say to yourself with emotion, generates thoughts, ideas, and behaviors consistent with those words. - Brian Tracy
6 Facts About Confession
       It is the way in which you sow the seed of God's word into your heart.
       The spoken word is a means by which you plant your seed.
       The way you get words into your mind is by saying it.
       Confessions of God's word causes faith to come to you.
       As you confess God's word it causes the substance of God's word to enter inside of you.
       It works because you renew your mind.
       Confession helps you check your fears.
       It works because it keeps the answer before your eyes.
       Words Paint pictures.
       What you continuously say you will see. You start seeing what you confess.
       It works because it sets the laws of faith into motion
       It sets your angels to work for you.
       When you voice out your confessions, your angels start working on the outside for you.
Faith and Words
       Faith moves mountain and conquers all things but how does faith come?
       "So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God" (Romans 10:17).
       Faith comes more quickly when you hear yourself quoting, speaking, and saying the things God said.
       You will more readily receive God's
       Ps. 141:3: Lord, set a guard over my mouth.

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