Sunday, 19 January 2014


Introduction - What is Prophecy?
          It is a guided missile launched by God into our future for us to feature in. Isa 46:10
          It is a revelation given by the Spirit
          It is an expression of the desires/heart of God
          It is an inspired utterance of a prophet
          It is the inspired declaration of God’s divine will and purpose,
          It is a prediction of something to come.
Why Prophecy?
1Co 14:3:   But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to, edification and exhortation, and comfort.
          Edification: A building up and instruction; improvement and progress of the mind; enlighten or inform
          Exhortation: To appeal, incite and encourage
          Comfort: To strengthen and relief
Hos. 12:13: And by a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved.
          Old Testament Versus New Testament

Force Behind Prophecy?
Psa 107:20  He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
          When God wants to change your story and level in life He will do one fundamental thing and that is SENDING HIS WORD TO YOU.
          Never belittle the word that God is sending to you. God’s commitment is to His word and He is watching over the words that He has spoken to you to ensure their fulfilment (Jeremiah 1:11-12) 
          The kind of word that God is sending to you is a pointer to what God is doing next in your life and you should align your activities to the word that God is sending to you.
Prophecy 2014
Four Categories of Prophecy:
  1. God says that a divine promise of more than a decade ago will begin to find fulfilment.
  2. God Says that someone can expect a prominent divine visitation that will radically alter the cause of his or her life.
  3. Daddy says that someone will have the first taste of real dominion.
  4. The Lord said that there will be quite a few narrow escapes from tragedies.

  1. The Lord says that the future of Nigeria will be determined this year,  not in 2015 as some think. 2015 will be mere formalities.
  2. The equations at the beginning of this year will be different from the equations at the end of the year, therefore don't jump into conclusions.

International :
  1. There will be more major breakthroughs in Medicine and Science.
  2. God wants us to pray against noisy highly destructive storms.
  3. God asked us to pray against monumental fire outbreaks.

  1. The destinies of individuals, families and churches will be determined this year.
  2. Pursuers will cease.
  3. Praise will replace prayers in many homes before year ends.
  4. There will be an extension of the season miracles, signs and wonders.
  5. A new beginning of multiplication and rapid expansion of coasts.
  6. Dedicated givers will begin to harvest miraculous provisions
  7. Dedicated worshippers will have only one complaints this year,  “God these blessings are becoming too much”.
Profiting  Steps:
          1Tim. 1:18  This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;
        Faith Points
        Decision Points
        Prayer Points
        Location Points
        Action Points
        Relationship Points

          Daddy G.O said "many have heard prophecies coming from this altar and have believed they are for them but these prophecies are yet to manifest in their lives. The difference is that some heard and did nothing while others heard and prayed. Every Prophecy you have claimed is waiting to manifest and it will not until you pray.
          Every prophecy is a prayer point so pray until it manifests".

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Hey Impactful Leader,
Please tell us what's on your mind.