What is discipline
•the practice of training people to obey
rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience
•discipline is really about guidance. It is a way to keep children safe as they
find out about the world. They need to learn how to manage their feelings,
impulses and actions so they can learn and get on with others.
“before i had children, i had six theories about bringing them up; now I have six children and no theories.” - john Wilmot, earl of Rochester
Should pastors or HODs punish their workers?
GODWIN was originally born a Baptist but now a
worker in the RCCG. He says because he was born a Baptist, he can ask questions without respecting the man of God. He was moved from Sunday school
to ushering department because of his Rudeness
This incident pushed him from being a worker. Sometimes people come late and its overlooked but when the pastor is angry we
get punished. Punishment ranges from pray all through service, to not being
allowed to work in church e.t.c
Church discipline may be broadly defined as corrective measures taken by an individual, church leader or
the congregation regarding a matter of sin in the life of a believer.
Characteristics of church discipline
• the necessity of discipline (deter from destruction)
• the means of discipline
hebrew words are used: Yasser (discipline), which involves god's actions;
and yakach (rebuke), which refers to god's words. Hebrews 12:5 tells us not to
make light of god's actions and not to lose heart at his words of rebuke. Yasar
refers to disciplinary actions; yakach refers to corrective words
• the motive of discipline (to express love)
• the goal of discipline (to teach obedience)
• the result of discipline
Bible verses and discipline
Hebrews 12:5-6
Proverbs 12:1
Revelation 3:19 proverbs 29:15
Proverbs 13:24
Stories tim 5v 20 1 cor 5v 1 -5
Reason why some churches don’t discipline
• they don’t want to appear judgmental
• the church has a
wide open door (member expectation are few, the easier it is to join workforce
the harder it is to discipline)
• they have no guideline for discipline
• bad
experience with discipline in the past
• afraid to open a paradox box
• fear of
losing members
• Church leaders are dealing with their own sin
Types of disciplinary action
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